The Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and Centre for Herpetology is one of the largest reptile zoos in the world. It is spread over eight and a half acres of land. We give you an opportunity to have an interactive experience with the various denizens at the zoo. Apart from our guided tours we have a wide variety of other activities for all ages that are both informative and fun.
For outdoor nature enthusiasts, the spacious Croc Bank grounds are covered by luxuriant coastal dune forest and provide a haven for native wildlife, including large breeding colonies of water birds and a secure nesting beach for Olive Ridley Sea Turtles.
The Croc Bank is situated approximately 45km south of Chennai and 15km north of the tourist town of Mamallapuram. Nestled in a patch of indigenous forest and fronting the Bay of Bengal, the zoo is easily accessed by one of the many buses, taxis and auto-rickshaws that ply the scenic East Coast Road.